All updates featuring RigidFiddle ‘8’

MB790 - Arabella – the hardest escape challenge

June 30, 2024 ---- picture set and video clip

Arabella has a LOT going on today: tight locking steel boob bands, a big steel corset, heavy wrist cuffs, a RigidFiddle, and a giant ballgag! Her mission is to escape the fiddle, but she can’t even lower her arms enough because of her locked boobs. Will she be able to escape? Arabella is one of my favorite models, she suffers so beautifully, and I always love to see her drool in huge gags. She looks amazing in this much steel!! Don’t miss this very challenging steel update, it is so much fun to watch!

MB764 - Denise – lifted

December 31, 2023 ---- picture set and video clip

When I told Denise I just thought of a fun new position to try, she had her doubts. It never ends well for her. But she is also super curious, so she ended up in the exact position I had imagined! First I locked her in a RigidFiddle and RigidSpreader, then I connected them together and lifted it all up so Denise had to balance on her butt! It was a very hard and helpless position, and there was no change of escape for Denise. She is so much fun to work with and she is local to me! So if you need a Denise custom video, just email me and I will make it happen!

Member downloads: picture set and video clip
Gear: RigidFiddle '8', RigidSpreader Jo-2

MB742 - Luz Luna – fiddle trouble

July 30, 2023 ---- picture set and video clip

Yaay, I found another new model locally! Luz is a super pretty blonde, and she is very excited to try my metal bondage gear! I like her already! We started with a RigidFiddle, but instead of just the regular position, I also did the under-knee predicament, which is super hard and it makes the model very very helpless. Luz was determined to escape, and she was really making a big effort to get the key and open the padlock. Her wild struggle made her fall over on her side, which made her even more helpless. Like a turtle… poor Luz!

Luz Luna is available for custom videos and pictures!

Member downloads: picture set and video clip
Gear: RigidFiddle '8'

MB678 - Naomi Denise – hard challenge

May 8, 2022 ---- picture set and video clip

Inspired by a member request, I really wanted to do this hard endurance challenge where a girl has to stand on her toes. Of course, the very tough Naomi Denise was a perfect candidate, being very fit, submissive, and she never ever says no to a challenge! A RigidFiddle pulled up to the ceiling is already enough to keep her on her toes. She can’t go down any further. But to make it a little more interesting, I added Irish8 ankles cuffs, a muzzle gag, and of course nipple clamps (she hates clovers!). It requires a lot of strength and focus to keep standing like this. What a girl! If you have a challenge for Naomi, please let me know!

MB675 - Lili – rigid fold

April 17, 2022 ---- picture set and video clip

New girl Lili is very flexible! I decided she was a good victim for the folded challenged I once did with Ariel Anderssen. This is very hard! Lili gets cuffed in a RigidFiddle model ‘8’ with her arms underneath her knees. Not everyone can do that position! Her legs get locked in a RigidSpreader, and she is completely stuck, folded over in RigidCuffs. This predicament is a punishment in itself: after a while this gets really hard on your body. The only way out for Lili is to attempt to free herself with the key. Amazing attempt!

Member downloads: picture set and video clip
Gear: RigidFiddle '8', RigidSpreader Jo-2

MB657 - Juliette tries a Fiddle

December 12, 2021 ---- picture set and video clip

This new girl is gorgeous!! Perfect face, body, boobs… I really wanted to lock her into a chastity belt for a while now, and today I finally managed. She is such a cutie! Juliette spent an entire afternoon in the belt (soon to be seen on too) and a collar, until I presented a RigidFiddle to her. She was confused, but I was nice enough to show her how it worked. Suddenly, Juliette wasn’t so cute anymore. Especially when I told her she had to try and escape by herself. I wasn’t going to help her. She became frustrated very fast, throwing the key across the room and refusing to talk to me. Oh well, I just let her sit in the Fiddle for a while…

MB610 - Lucy Lauren – spring loaded One Bar Prison!

January 17, 2021 ---- picture set and video clip

Our newest invention is the spring loaded One Bar Prison! Members have asked if it is possible to put a spring mechanism inside the One Bar Prison, so the dildo will be pushed up all the time. We found a very high tension industrial spring that fits! Lucy Lauren was brave enough to try it, but it was pretty scary! The problem, of course, is that it’s no longer a real Prison, because she can push down the dildo pole with her hands and step off. She we fiddled Lucy, now she couldn’t escape anymore. It was very frustrating, she could go down but she could not step off it. We even made her take off her high heels, which was a HUGE challenge! You have to see the video to see how well this worked! Amazing!
Also: don’t try this at home :)

MB576 - From the archives: The Twins casting shoot

May 24, 2020 ---- picture set and video clip

Over 10 years ago, when we first started this website, we did some casting shoots with models who were not completely sure about getting locked in metal. Some were hesitant about bondage, some were not sure about nudity, but they all came to the studio (mostly in pairs) to try various things. One day, we had these two girls over and we locked them in RigidCuffs! One in a RigidStock TL, and the other one in a RigidFiddle. We did a nice photo shoot with great pictures and then we filmed them trying to figure out how to cooperate and escape! Great fun! A shame they never returned for another shoot!

Member downloads: picture set and video clip
Gear: RigidFiddle '8', RigidStock TL

MB569 - Ariel Anderssen in a RigidCuff predicament

April 5, 2020 ---- picture set and video clip

RigidCuffs are fun! We have a lot of them, and today we are going to combine the RigidFiddle and the RigidSpreader to make Ariel Anderssen’s life very hard. We start by locking her into the fiddle with her arms under her knees. This is a very restrictive position, there is no way she can get her legs out of that. But to make sure, we are adding the RigidSpreader to keep her legs apart. She struggles hard to reach the key, but once she falls over, she is very much stuck in this position, like a turtle. The queen of bondage is so helpless! Enjoy!

MB530 - Roxy C – ‘What is a fiddle?’

July 7, 2019 ---- picture set and video clip

We found a new girl and you’ll never guess where she is from. Roxy is from next door! Quite literally. She is not a model, but she is our neighbor girl! She is very cute, and a little oblivious about bondage and shoots. We asked if she wanted to try a fiddle. ‘What is a fiddle?’, said Roxy. That’s a perfect start. But first, we asked her to get naked, which was probably more scary for her than the fiddle. We locked her in a chastity belt so she wouldn’t feel so exposed. Then we locked her in a RigidFiddle model ‘8’ and told her it is possible to get out. Fun times! Roxy is (of cours) readily available for any custom shoots you have in mind, she wants to do more and earn a little cash!

Member downloads: picture set and video clip
Gear: Chastity Belt, RigidFiddle '8'

MB516 - Muriel – back to the dungeon

March 31, 2019 ---- picture set and video clip

Muriel loves steel bondage so much! She is going back into the dungeon for another challenge, she will be locked in a lot of steel for the afternoon. But even when she is waiting for what is going to happen, one pair of thumbcuffs already changes her breathing. She is almost moaning in anticipation for more heavy metal. Soon, a lot of gear is locked onto our lioness girl. First, her neck is locked in metal stocks and chained to the ceiling. Then a RigidFiddle is added to her neck and wrists. Muriel is getting more and more excited. A spreader bar keeps her legs apart, and finally a chain is locked from her fiddle to the bar so she has sit in an awkward position. But it’s awkward for Muriel at all, she’s loving it!

MB456 - RigidFiddle and RigidSpreader

February 4, 2018 ---- picture set and video clip

Misha is back! Locked in her super tight NeoSteel belt, she is curious about what’s in store for her. A strange bar has been bolted to the floor and Misha can’t figure out how that’s going to be her bondage for the day. But she soon finds out that a strategically placed RigidFiddle (arms under the bar) can make her completely helpless and stuck. She tries to get up, but we soon lock her ankles in the RigidSpreader so she her movement is very limited. We put the keys on the floor, but there’s no way Misha can even get to the keys. It was a very frustrating afternoon for Misha!

MB453 - Charlotte – Fiddle Frustration

January 14, 2018 ---- picture set and video clip

About 2 percent of girls can escape from a RigidFiddle. And Charlotte is not one of them. Her RigidFiddle is chained to the wall, and she is given the key but she just can’t reach the padlock underneath. She is also ballgagged, but it’s impossible to remove a ballgag when you’re locked in a fiddle, so she will have to escape first. Charlotte is tall, which means her wrists are a bit bigger compared to petite models, so there is no chance she will be in the 2%. Frustrated, she throws the key at us and gives us the finger. Only to realize she just threw away her only chance at escaping…

MB395 - Ting and WeiWei – fiddled

December 4, 2016 ---- picture set and video clip

It is so simple! Two Chinese girls, two RigidFiddles, and a spreader bar! Even with the keys on the floor, they can not help each other since they are too far apart! Both fiddles have a different padlock, but it doesn’t matter since they will not get out anyway. It’s great to see them get more and more annoyed by the fiddles and by each other, since every move is felt by the other girl. Ting and new girl WeiWei are getting very frustrated, and we are not letting these tiny Chinese girls out for a while! Let’s hope they don’t start a fight!

Member downloads: picture set and video clip
Gear: RigidFiddle '8', Spreader Bar

MB378 - Little Caprice – a difficult challenge

August 7, 2016 ---- picture set and video clip

A member requested a girl on the One Bar Prison, in a RigidFiddle, and leg irons. Well, we did not just get any girl: we got Little Caprice! There should be a very very small chance of escape to make her try. But to escape, Caprice would have to get out of the RigidFiddle (something that has only been done by about 2 in every 100 models), and even then she would be stuck on the One Bar Prison. So we used the old version of the dildo pole. Should she somehow escape her fiddle, she would have to bend over and reach the adjuster knob. This all sounds very impossible, but Little Caprice… well she is as amazing as she is famous! Don’t miss this!

MB359 - Emma Green and Emma C fiddled

March 27, 2016 ---- picture set and video clip

It can be so simple: two big boobed Emmas, two chastity belts, and two RigidFiddles! Spectacular! Emma Green (you know, UK page 3 girl) asked if she could bring a friend, and this friend turned out to be the awesome Emma C! Both girls are adequately boobed, which makes it a little bit of a shame to lock them in fiddles, because these devices hide their boobs somewhat. Still, two belted Emmas in fiddles is not something you can see every day! Enjoy!!

Member downloads: picture set and video clip
Gear: Chastity Belt, RigidFiddle '8'

MB326 - Leah – a MetalBondage introduction

August 9, 2015 ---- picture set and video clip

It’s always good to introduce new young girls to metal bondage! Cute blonde Leah wanted to try a little shoot, so we invited her over to be locked in a chastity belt. Naked but protected, Leah curiously examined the RigidFiddle we handed her. Time for the RigidFiddle Challenge! We locked her in and handed her the key to the padlock that was dangling underneath the fiddle. Would she be able to escape? Probably not, but we would have fun watching her!

Member downloads: picture set and video clip
Gear: Chastity Belt, RigidFiddle '8'

MB319 - RigidStock and RigidFiddle

June 21, 2015 ---- picture set and video clip

After a long absence, Victoria Sweet is back!! And she still looks hot and innocent as ever! Well, as we know, she is probably the most agressive struggler on this website, she is not very Sweet at all! She asked if she could bring her good friend Lauren Crist for support, and we said ‘why not!’. As soon as we got those two girls completely naked, we could see those perfect young bodies had to be locked in some metal! RigidCuffs of course! A RigidFiddle for our new girl Lauren, and for our agressive experienced girl Victoria: the RigidStocks! It was fun to see them move around in those awesome restraints, and to toss them the keys (all different locks and keys of course), to see if they could even figure out how to cooperate to escape!!

Member downloads: picture set and video clip
Gear: RigidFiddle '8', RigidStock TL

MB288 - Emily belted and fiddled!

November 16, 2014 ---- picture set and video clip

As requested, we managed to get young Emily from India back in our studio for a second shoot (for the first one, click here), and we all know what happens on a second shoot: a chastity belt is mandatory! This exotic girl wasn’t exactly happy in her tight belt. She really loves escaping things, so she attacked the belt in every way she could. In the end, we just had to lock her into a RigidFiddle model ‘8’ to keep her hands away from the belt. Of all the girls I have fiddled (over 200), only 2 ever managed to escape when the padlock was underneath the fiddle. Will escape artist Emily be the third girl ever to manage this feat!!?

Member downloads: picture set and video clip
Gear: Chastity Belt, RigidFiddle '8'

MB252 - The RigidFiddle escape trick

March 9, 2014 ---- picture set and video clip

‘Yaaay a fiddle!’, exclaimed tiny young fitness model Megan when we pulled out the RigidFiddle model 8. Completely naked except for a tight chastity belt, Megan’s innocent wide eyes betrayed the fun she was having. This girl loves metal! She is new to, and a fiddle challenge is always good to break the ice. Megan smiled when we dangled the key above her, just out of reach, she couldn’t wait to try to escape! We have to admit, she tried very hard, but it wasn’t until we told her a special little trick that she managed to escape from a RigidFiddle model 8 with the lock underneath! Curious? Check out the video!

Member downloads: picture set and video clip
Gear: Chastity Belt, RigidFiddle '8'