Vanessa is so glad she doesn’t have to wear a heavy collar. Just the wrist and ankle cuffs and the chastity belt is bad enough, she thinks. We show Vanessa her new home. It’s a very heavy and sturdy metal cage! Reluctantly Vanessa crawls inside, and the door is padlocked shut. Only then does she realise the cage has a built-in locking collar, and she’s going to be locked into it! With her head sticking out of the cage, we then lock her wrists to the top corners of the cage, making her completely helpless. What would you do when you found her like this?

Vanessa looks so beautiful wearing a chastity belt and a cage 💗 It really suits her! And the sounds of her mewling and rattling her wrist cuffs is so sweet 😄 My thought when watching this is that this would be a great punishment for hotties that are caught on camera texting while driving, throwing litter out of their car window etc. just display them on a plinth outside the police station for one hour on a Saturday afternoon with their name and address and a description of their crime . . . . although some girls might enjoy it . . . 😁